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Independence Day in Cutler Harbor

Independence Day in Cutler Harbor

July 4, 2017

Happy fourth of July! The town of Cutler really knows how to celebrate Independence day, and for good reason! The first naval battle of the revolutionary war was fought - and won - right in our dooryards (over by Bucks Harbor) by a rag-tag bunch of fishermen and Passamaquoddy men and women.  My favorite revolutionary character is a woman named Hannah (Watts) Weston. She is my great x 8 aunt. During the battle, she gathered 40 pounds of cups, plates, and spoons to be melted for ammunition, put them in a pillowcase and stuffed her apron full, and traveled 16 miles to the site of the battle all while 6 months pregnant. They were tough, hard-working people: selfless and not scared by much, and I'm proud to say I'm descended from them.


 (Off Bucks Harbor, the site of the first naval battle of the Revolutionary war)


The best part? When Hannah was in her 90s, she knit a pair of socks and entered it into the World Fair held in New York and won first place! Fiber arts run in my blood to be sure!



Rejoining us at modern times, the fourth of July starts early with one of the most scenic (and brutal) 5k races out there. Hubby placed 7th - not too bad! Runners come from all over the country to participate, as well as families looking for a small-town celebration.


Next are the crate races, where the daring try to race from one pier to the other across old wooden lobster crates. The water may be a shimmery blue but trust me, it's COLD!


 After that there's a parade, children's games, a community-wide barbecue, lobster boat races, and fireworks.


 Of course it wouldn't be Maine without a lobster feed to round out the day...check out this 'ol staver!


Hope you all had a great day!

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